Update—Mark your calendars! Ribbon cutting ceremony for the Global war on Terror Expansion has been scheduled for Friday, September 12, 2025!
Posted On: February 22, 2019
At the Warhawk Air Museum, we feature personal stories, including the wartime effect on romance. These stories, told with photos, hand-written letters, telegrams, and keepsake items, strike an emotional chord of love, lasting bonds, and sometimes loss. The stories displayed are each unique and include hastened engagements, great heartache and longing due to wartime separation, babies born while Dad is overseas, and lasting love against the many odds.
Posted On: January 31, 2019
“The Heart of the Museum”—that’s how Warhawk Air Museum Co-Founder Sue Paul describes the Museum’s volunteers. She adds that they are a “…large family of people who promote and truly believe in the mission of the Museum.” For many, they sign on to volunteer and end up on a journey full of unexpected experiences, often transformed in the process, developing a real passion for their project and role.