Legacy Brick Program
Leave a mark that will last a lifetime!
Honor a veteran, loved one, or personal hero through our Legacy Brick program! Our Brick Project is part of our fundraising capital campaign for our Post-9/11 Global War on Terror Expansion. All the proceeds from this project go towards funding the new maintenance hangar and remodeling the current maintenance hangar for our next phase of the museum.
These bricks will be permanently displayed in the Warhawk Air Museum once the 3rd wing is finished. Bring your family to the museum and have your history be part of the Museum’s story!
Option 1 – $100

Brick Without Clipart
3 lines with 20 characters each allows for more information to be on your Legacy Brick!
Option 2 – $125

Brick with Clipart
Choose from a pre-selected list of clipart with options from the different branches of the military and more! This brick allows for 3 lines of 12 characters each.
Legacy Bricks are limited! Thank you for your support!