Education Center

Educate Honor Preserve

The Warhawk Air Museum’s education programs are first and foremost aligned with our mission to “educate visitors about the cost of freedom, and honor those who paid its price” and designed to ignite an appreciation for country, history, and the sacrifices endured by our servicemen and women.

Schedule a Trip

Fill out this form to schedule your field trip today!

Field Trip Prices

Students (K-12): $4.00
Teachers/Leaders*: Free
*Groups are required to have 1 teacher/chaperone per 10 students

For any of the options listed below and for a minimum of 10 students.

Homeschool Field Trip Prices

Students (K-12): $4.00
Kids Under 5: Free
Adults: 1 Parent Per Family
Additional Adults: $6.00

For any of the options listed below and for a minimum of 10 students.

Are you a homeschool family or have fewer than 10 students?

Our Homeschool Family Days for the 2024–2025 school year are October 9, December 11, February 12 and April 9.

From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the museum is reserved for homeschool families or small groups. Volunteers will be on hand and help students explore the museum and scavenger hunts for all ages will be available. Fill out the reservation form to reserve your day!

The museum Education Center is brought to you by the Nagel Foundation.
Nagel Foundation


Docent Guided

Our knowledgeable docents guide students around the museum. Tours are tailored to the age/grade of the students and available for k-12 students.

Docent lead tour as part of the Warhawk Air Museum education center for a school field trip


3rd–5th Grade

Child’s Play Limit 10-25 students
This program will transport young students back in time to an era of patriotism, self-sacrifice, and courage. The students will discover and explore the important role of children in America during WWII.

7th–12th Grade

Bridging the Generations Limit 10+ students
In this often life-changing experience, older students meet WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Cold War veterans and hear their personal stories of courage, valor, and sacrifice in their struggle to be good soldiers during times of war and conflict. This class is sure to make a big impression on students.

3rd–12th Grade

The History of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Flag Limit 10+ students
This class is designed to give the basic history behind the American flag and the Pledge of Allegiance in the hopes that students will gain a greater appreciation for both. Our goal is to educate and inspire all people to stand with pride and say the Pledge of Allegiance and show proper respect for the American flag. Students will also learn about the real cost of freedom and the importance of thanking American veterans for his or her service and sacrifices which help to preserve the rights and freedoms we enjoy every day.

4th–12th Grade

Communication Limit 10-25 students
Using the 100 years of history and technology present in the museum’s collection, this class explores communication and its advances through Morse code, coding, circuits, and cyphers all through hands-on experiments.

4th–12th Grade

Forces of Flight Limit 10-25 students
This class explores the forces that make flight possible through hands-on experiments.

Scavenger Hunt Limit 10+ students

We have three levels available to challenge and engage students of all ages. Younger visitors can play an I-Spy game looking for artifacts throughout the Museum. Older students can complete age-appropriate scavenger hunts that allow them to interact with artifacts and learn about our history.

Downloads: Scavenger Hunt A1 | Scavenger Hunt A2

Schedule a Trip

Each field trip includes a docent-led museum tour in addition to your choice of class or scavanger hunt (details of each listed above). Please make your selection using the form below.

Field trips must be scheduled two weeks in advance. Each trip takes approximately two hours.

Make your field trip reservation using the form below. Field Trips require 10 or more students. If you have fewer than 10 students, please sign up for one of our Homeschool Family Days.

We request an updated number of participants one week before your scheduled field trip. You will be sent a follow-up email to remind you.